INCLUSIVE aims at covering the increasing gap between machine complexity and user capabilities by developing a smart and innovative HMI that accommodates to the workers’ skills and flexibility needs, by compensating their limitations (due to age, disabilities or inexperience) and by taking full advantage of their experience. To achieve this, the developed HMI system needs to be able to measure the sustainable cognitive load of the human operator, to adapt the automation functions and support and train low skilled operators to accomplish a complex automation task properly, also by integrating a virtual environment and an industrial social network. “We are now working at the definition of the adaptation principles and the design of the training tool,” is the comment by Prof. Cesare Fantuzzi, Full Professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Project Coordinator. “The INCLUSIVE project will introduce a revolutionary change from the current belief that ‘the human learns how the machine works’, to the future scenario in which ‘the machine adapts to the human capability, accommodating to her/his own time and features’. The final goal is to create an inclusive and flexible working environment for any operator, taking into account multiple cultural background, skills, age and different abilities.”